When it comes to Royal Enfield's, we are not shy in making it clear how much we love the little Indian made machines. A couple of years ago, Tom acquired himself a '98 iron barrelled 500 Bullet and with a few modifications, changed the look of the bike to give it back some classic British styling.
As far as getting yourself an Enfield goes, they are still relatively cheap, you can pick up a clean bike for between £1500 to £2000. All parts are readily available and again, not very expensive. As to getting it to look the part, our conversions start at £1500 and go up depending on any additional requirements you might have like indicators, speedo types, etc...
Olly, a good friend, came to us after borrowing Tom's Enfield at last years Malle Mile and wanted one for himself. We sourced him a donor...of sorts, the frame is from a 90's 350 and the engine from a '02 500 Electra X, the first of Enfield's electric start bikes. Although, you wouldn't know this now, as the starter motor has been removed and welded up leaving the Enfield bolt counters scratching their heads. Unlike the earlier iron barrel engines, the gear change is on the left, but being an earlier frame the engine did not just drop in, its had some quite substantial frame modification to flip over the foot controls.
A pair of flat tracker bars, a stainless exhaust system, reworked subframe, shortened rear mud guard, modified/re-upholstered seat and TKC off road tyres bring the silhouette together. Add an Amal MK1 concentric carburettor, classic style switch gear, throttle pull, and leavers plus a full rewire into the equation and you have yourself an bike ready for the streets, fields, mountains...wherever you feel the need to take it.
If you want to know more about this bike or any of our other Enfield conversions, feel free to contact us.
Photos by Andrew Green | Instagram @picturecorner